Saturday, February 27, 2010


Right now I am in Croatia with my program. We have been here a week, living in a hostel. I think living with everyone makes me want to kill them. I like them, but I like having my own space. Being here has made me appreciate things I take for granted in the U.S.

Here is a list of 5 things I miss from the U.S.(basically all related to food):
1. Free tap water in restaurants
I have been drinking only soda because you can't get tap water free. You also can't just get spring water either, there is only mineral water (which I hate).

2. Reasonably sized drinks
Because I can't drink water, I get soda. Everytime I drink soda i'm still thirsty because they only give you one small bottle. I miss having fountain drinks.

3. Food other than pizza and sandwiches (Croatia only)
The cheapest thing to eat in Croatia is ice cream, which is delicious. Most restaurants sell italian food, and after three or four times it gets old. I just want some more variety.

4. Driving
I wish I could drive places instead of having to ride on a tram full of people.

5. I'm still thinking about this one...

I miss home, but I do love Europe. Croatia has actually been a nice break from Amsterdam because it is more laid back. I have learned my way around the city in just a few days, something I still haven't been able to do in Amsterdam. Croatia is smaller and the men are VERY good looking. If I were to marry a European, he would have to be eastern European. I also like the language here. It sounds nice, but its hard to learn.

I am excited to be heading back to Amsterdam tomorrow. But as soon as I get settled there we're leaving again, this time for Morocco. Morocco should be great, my money will go a long way there.

Things I want to buy in Morocco:
1. Sandals
2. Scarves
3. A man hahah

I am also excited because I look Moroccan, so it's like they're my people. In Amsterdam, I get dirty looks because I look Moroccan, but in Morocco this should work in my favor.

*** I tried to add pictures but my computer was too slow.***

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