Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nederlands so far

I have gotten really behind on this blog. I had no internet for the first week I was in the Netherlands because I was living in hostels. I found that the hostels here are actually very nice, but have crappy food. I'm not sure if it's crappy because it's Dutch or if it's just bad.

My first week was spent in Egmond, a small village in Holland. It was kind of boring, but it forced everyone in my program to bond. There are 14 people total in my program, most being from the North East. It is an interesting group of people, most of whom identify as gay/lesbian/queer. I was not expecting that almost all the people would be, but its still great.

The hardest thing I've had to adjust to is probably the biking. Bikes rule the roads in Amsterdam. You have to watch out for bikes because the Dutch do not follow any set of biking rules. Whenever I ride my bike I feel like I'm going to die. A part of that may be that I always get lost. A ten minute bike ride took me about an hour yesterday. I think once I figure out how to get places things will get much better.

I think that is it for now, I swear I will write more interesting things and more often.

Doei! (bye in Dutch)

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